Hepatitis C – Common Causes and Transmission Routes

Hepatitis C – Common Causes and Transmission Routes

Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. This can affect liver function and can be caused due to a number of reasons. Most often hepatitis can be caused by a virus. Hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are caused by different viruses. Hepatitis C can be acute or chronic. Given below are some of the causes and information on the way in which this infection spreads. Hepatitis C causes This is a very common infection in the country and can be caused through the following: 1. Virus The virus invades the body causing inflammation and damage to the liver. 2. Contact Coming into contact with the blood of an infected person can also be a causal factor for this infection. Hepatitis C transmission Hepatitis C is most often spread when an uninfected person comes into contact with the blood of an infected person. This can happen in the following ways: 1. Sharing needles One of the most common modes of transmission of hepatitis C is sharing of syringes, needles or other equipment that is used to prepare or inject recreational or other illicit substances. 2. From mother to child It is estimated that about 6% of children born to mothers infected with hepatitis C will also get the virus.
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6 Healthy Hacks to Make Coffee Even Healthier

6 Healthy Hacks to Make Coffee Even Healthier

Several people find it difficult to start their day without their morning dose of coffee. But there is always a dispute revolving around coffee and health. Too much caffeine is bad for health. However, there are ways in which you can include this bean juice in your daily meals and reap its benefits. Here are a few ways to boost the nutritional value and reap the benefits of your daily cup of coffee: 1. Avoid consuming coffee late in the day Caffeine stimulates the brain and that is why it feels refreshing to grab a cup of coffee in the morning. Having it late in the night ends up messing with your sleep. So, even after a full night’s rest, you may wake up tired. To avoid this, don’t consume coffee in the evening. 2. Keep tabs on how much coffee you drink The harmful effects of coffee and health are evident when the daily caffeine intake exceeds 400mg. Remember that there is caffeine in your chocolate milk, sodas and even tea. So, if you are going to add two large cups of coffee to your daily routine along with sodas and other beverages, it would be a bad idea.
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6 Foods to Help Manage Diabetes

6 Foods to Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a long-term and chronic health condition that influences how the body turns food into energy. It is a metabolic disease wherein the body fails to produce the required insulin or fails to use the insulin it makes. When there is a lower level of insulin in circulation in the body, the cells stop responding to insulin. Due to this, a higher level of blood sugar gets deposited into the bloodstream. If this condition is not treated, it can result in serious health problems such as heart disease, vision loss, or kidney disease. The best thing is that diabetes can be managed by eating certain foods. A healthy meal plan for a diabetic should ideally contain high fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, lean protein, and fresh fruits, and veggies. Here is a list of superfoods that helps manage diabetes: 1. Beans When talking about diabetes and foods, beans cannot be left out. Whatever the type of bean it is, be it kidney, pinto, navy, or black bean, they all are packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Further, beans are rich in soluble fiber too. 2. Dark green leafy vegetables Regular consumption of dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collards, and kale is extremely good if one has diabetes.
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